Bastien C.

Bastien C.


西游乐队 Mo Bar – The Music Menu Zhou Fei, Zhang Qilin, Zhang, Shang Long, and Yu Weimin XIYOU 西游乐队,2009年正式在北京成立,是由周飞、张琪琳、张晓、商子龙,余伟民共同组成的,他们创作的音乐风格多样化,但歌曲内容多以中国传统文化、京味儿为主。西游乐队只唱过去与现在,他们的作品中有《黄飞鸿》、《西游记》这样耳熟能详的名字,那是所有人看过的在十几二十年前红到不行的影视剧,也是他们童年中最深刻的记忆和偶像崇拜的启蒙,乐队的年轻人们,用音乐让灵魂穿越时空,回到从前那些记忆中的片段,那些童年、成长中所伴随的一切美好和残缺,以及成长以后对生活的领悟。虽然风格多变,但却不华丽,听起来朴实而又真挚。他们用自己的音乐方式,彰显出浓厚的中国特色。 The XIYOU Band was formally established in Beijing in 2009. It is composed of Zhou Fei, Zhang Qilin, Zhang, Shang Long,…


Plum UP A non alcoholic and absolutely delicious umami cocktail ABV 酒精度 SWEET 甜度 SOUR 酸度 BITTER 苦 UMAMI 鲜度 Main Page Next WeChat

The Glass

The Glass Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. ABV | 酒精度 Web Designer 14% SWEET | 甜度 Web Designer 84% SOUR | 酸度 Web Designer 84% BITTER |…

The Box 2

The Box 2 The box 2是安藤忠雄在日本濑户内海离岛的一座美术馆的再现,这幅建筑作品本身讨论的“少即是多”的命题,启发我用减法,做一杯去掉酒精的经典鸡尾酒negroni。将negroni的精华金酒去掉后,campari糖浆和酸樱桃汁形成甜酸的口感,再加上清香的桂花乌龙茶twist,这杯无酒精鸡尾酒最终达到比例的完美平衡。 The box 2 is another reborn version of one of Ando’s architectures on a Japanese island. This artwork discusses the meaning of “more or less”. To bring Ando’s philosophy of “less is more” to…

The Box 1

The Box 1 The box 1是安藤忠雄的建筑理念的再现,淡雅禅意的日式哲学蕴含在我创作的这杯无酒精鸡尾酒里。柠檬叶椰子水充满了热带的风味,茉莉花茶又带着花茶的清香,再配上无酒精烈酒,形成一杯清爽的日式pina colada。The box 1 presents Ando’s architectural concept through minimalist art pieces, which inspires me to concoct a zenful and tasteful mocktail that speaks for Japanese philosophy. Kaffir leaf coconut water with jasmine tea creates…

The end of Geometric

The End of Geometric 几何学的原点,是平衡。鸡尾酒的平衡,是风味的调和。这杯鸡尾酒我决定来一次大胆的尝试,将白可可,百香果,白胡椒三个不同领域的风味组合成三角形达到平衡,白可可的甜味,百香果的果香和白胡椒的辣味,再配上芒果朗姆和金酒,口感圆润,风味多元。The end of geometric is constant balance, and the balance of cocktail is harmony of layered flavors. To demonstrate this concept, a bold choice of white cacao, passionfruit, and white pepper are combined to reach a…


Tadao Ando’s Black and white 安藤忠雄的黑白摄影作品,是展现建筑中光影和结构的游戏,这也让我想创作一杯玩转光影效果和经典结构的鸡尾酒。我选择了传统的old fashioned的结构,将威士忌和朗姆作为基调,苦荞茶填补苦的风味,红枣香料梨汤代替水的风味,再增加木瓜和咖啡的风味,形成一杯全新的鸡尾酒,传统和创新共存,透过灰色的透明杯垫往下看,安藤的艺术作品在此刻重生。Tadao Ando’s black and white photography of his architecture work is a game of lights and composition. To pay tribute to his art, I decompose and recompose a classic cocktail composition – old fashioned…


Tadao Ando’s Architecture 安藤忠雄手绘的高迪建筑—圣家族大教堂,对光影的沉迷,对细节的执着,对西方建筑的敬仰,让我感受到西班牙建筑的庄严和肃穆,激发我创作一杯非常西班牙风情的鸡尾酒。橡木树莓味的富佳娜加上蜂蜜,再混合玫瑰液,味道馥郁浓烈,最后倒入西班牙特色的干雪莉酒,半甜雪莉酒和雪莉酒醋,呈现出一杯优雅的酒红色鸡尾酒。Tadao Ando’s architecture sketches of Sagrada Família, is an expression of his obsession with lights, consistency to details and admiration towards western architecture. Inspired by this landmark of Bacelona, this Spanish styled cocktail combines Fino Sherry, Cristina…

Room of Calm

Room of Calm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper 风平浪静的空间里是两幅非常有禅意的日本摄影作品《海景》,由灰黑双色组成,海天一色,风平浪静,难以分界。我选用尤加利杜松子烧酒形成一个非常日式的基调,灰白色让我想到烤白芝麻糖浆,最后用自制的芝麻啫喱片作为garnish放在冰块上,喷上海苔味道的煎茶,仿佛灰色的海天分界线一样在此处交融。The Room of Calm presents two very peaceful photography works of Japanese seascape, made up of grey and black. The grey sky and…