Room Of Cubism

Room of Light 在光的空间,展出的是极简主义作品《光谱》。这幅作品由光谱的七彩几何体组成,从黄色开始,到黄色结束,形成了一个黄色的循环,启发我创作一杯富含黄色不同层次的鸡尾酒。我选择的是全部是橙黄色系不同领域的食材,包括香蕉,焦糖,黄油,campari和柠檬,再用牛奶澄清的技术,最后呈现出来从酒体,装饰,到杯垫都是暖色调,就像光的再现一般温暖。 Our first cocktail, Room of Light, is a perfect representation of light itself. Inspired by the artwork Spectrum which displays a loop of rainbow color starting and ending both in yellow, this cocktail involves ingredients that…
Room of Ensō¹ 圆相的空间展出了两幅截然不同的画作,第一幅是日本前卫艺术家用行为艺术的形式— 足绘来创作的一副充满红色颜料,非常有张力和冲击力的作品。红色,原始主义和浓稠的笔触,让我联想到墨西哥风味。我用烤墨西哥辣椒味的龙舌兰作为基调,加入了茴香,甜菜根,红石榴,形成入口猛烈,后劲十足的调和感,就像这幅画本身一样令人难忘。In the Room of Enso, there are two drastically different paintings in exhibition. The first one is an eye-catching and visually compelling artwork with very thick burning-red strokes that reminds me of a very Mexican vibe.…
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Room of Wind 在风的空间,看不见的风是主角,动态雕塑是展现动静之美的手法。一提到风,每个人都会有不同的记忆点,我会想起南法田间清风徐来的芬芳。以薰衣草金酒作为基调,融合了迷迭香,百里香,月桂叶的草本清香,再加上番茄汁的咸鲜味,入嘴就像走在南法乡村小路上一般轻松自在。In the Room of Wind, the dynamic sculpture is never the real protagonist, the invisible wind is. Wind means different scenarios for different people, for me, it reminds me of the fragrant breeze in the lavender field…
Room of Thinking 在思索的空间,我们会观赏到一副展现留白之美的画作。在黄色的画布上,二十九条蓝线从上往下,颜料由深至浅呈现蓝色的渐变,大片的留白,简约有力的笔触,和近看闪闪发光的细粉,让整幅画圆润但充满力量。我以金酒和梅尔斯卡作为基酒,加上姜汁和柠檬呈现出澄清的黄色,黑松露蜂蜜让风味更加浓郁复杂,最后撒上闪粉和缓缓滴入紫罗兰,这杯酒的视觉上几乎完美还原画作,梦幻异常。 The Room of Thinking offers us a space to think about blank space in art. This piece features a yellow and slightly shimmering canvas with brushstrokes in blue gradient from dark to light, creating a powerful…