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MO Bar – Wangfujing, Beijing

The Music Menu​ Mo Bar The Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, Beijing A warm welcome to MO Bar. We are now on our volume 3 of this cocktail journey. A curious testing ground for cocktail innovations through story-telling narratives and sustainable practices.…

MO Bar – Shenzhen

You are about to experience a journey linking back centuries. 您即将经历一段追溯世纪的旅程。 Welcome to MO Bar 中文 从公元 200 年起源于中国的木版印刷,至毕升的活字印刷术,再到约翰内斯 · 谷登堡的机械印刷,这些历史中举足轻重的里程碑极大地推动了世界文明的进程。  当您穿过MO酒吧的长廊,大量复古工业元素将在您眼前展现,让您仿如置身于古老活字印刷仓库的氛围中,感受高端现代的调酒技艺。 在这座以发展和创新著称的城市里,通过与“亚洲前 50 酒吧”庙前冰室团队的合作,MO 酒吧将为您呈献融合了复古与前卫的奢华体验。  就坐,放松,请尽情享受您与 MO酒吧的旅程。 EN From Chinese’s invention of woodblock printing in 200AD to Bi Sheng’s…

Shangri-La Qiantan, Shanghai

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. ABV 酒精度 SWEET 甜度 SOUR 酸度 BITTER 苦 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper…

Moming – Pineapple & Lavender

Kombucha & Co. Marcia Fermentology is a brand using traditional fermentation techniques to create a new line of beverages with healthy benefits Our drinks focus on all sorts of fermented process: Kombucha, ginger beer, lacto-fermentation, fruits kvass, kefir as well…

Room Of Light

Room of Light 在光的空间,展出的是极简主义作品《光谱》。这幅作品由光谱的七彩几何体组成,从黄色开始,到黄色结束,形成了一个黄色的循环,启发我创作一杯富含黄色不同层次的鸡尾酒。我选择的是全部是橙黄色系不同领域的食材,包括香蕉,焦糖,黄油,campari和柠檬,再用牛奶澄清的技术,最后呈现出来从酒体,装饰,到杯垫都是暖色调,就像光的再现一般温暖。 Our first cocktail, Room of Light, is a perfect representation of light itself. Inspired by the artwork Spectrum which displays a loop of rainbow color starting and ending both in yellow, this cocktail involves ingredients that…

Room of Ensō1

Room of Ensō¹ 圆相的空间展出了两幅截然不同的画作,第一幅是日本前卫艺术家用行为艺术的形式— 足绘来创作的一副充满红色颜料,非常有张力和冲击力的作品。红色,原始主义和浓稠的笔触,让我联想到墨西哥风味。我用烤墨西哥辣椒味的龙舌兰作为基调,加入了茴香,甜菜根,红石榴,形成入口猛烈,后劲十足的调和感,就像这幅画本身一样令人难忘。In the Room of Enso, there are two drastically different paintings in exhibition. The first one is an eye-catching and visually compelling artwork with very thick burning-red strokes that reminds me of a very Mexican vibe.…