This new HEM2 inspired cocktail menu is the first collaborative menu at Hope & Sesame, with the aim of showcasing the quality of art & culture in Guangdong. There is this sense of unity with the border community growing within, be it cocktail inspiration of some of our cocktail bars or art movements across the world. It is the quest of sharing with our local community what inspires us and define who we are.
庙前冰室与和美术馆的合作诞生于我们对广东共同的热爱,本土化和国际化的元素 独特地在这片土地的上相交织与融合,无论是鸡尾酒的创作,或是艺术的发展,都 受益于它。因此,我们希望透过这一本菜单,与大家从鸡尾酒的视角发现安藤忠雄 艺术上的思考与创作。