安藤忠雄手绘的高迪建筑—圣家族大教堂,对光影的沉迷,对细节的执着,对西方建筑的敬仰,让我感受到西班牙建筑的庄严和肃穆,激发我创作一杯非常西班牙风情的鸡尾酒。橡木树莓味的富佳娜加上蜂蜜,再混合玫瑰液,味道馥郁浓烈,最后倒入西班牙特色的干雪莉酒,半甜雪莉酒和雪莉酒醋,呈现出一杯优雅的酒红色鸡尾酒。 Tadao Ando’s architecture sketches of Sagrada Família, is an expression of his obsession with lights, consistency to details and admiration towards western architecture. Inspired by this landmark of Bacelona, this Spanish styled cocktail combines Fino Sherry, Cristina Sherry and Sherry vinegar for a wine-like tone. With honey and rose tincture blending into smoky wood rum, the final finish is a complex touch of Spain for your taste buds.