安藤忠雄的黑白摄影作品,是展现建筑中光影和结构的游戏,这也让我想创作一杯玩转光影效果和经典结构的鸡尾酒。我选择了传统的old fashioned的结构,将威士忌和朗姆作为基调,苦荞茶填补苦的风味,红枣香料梨汤代替水的风味,再增加木瓜和咖啡的风味,形成一杯全新的鸡尾酒,传统和创新共存,透过灰色的透明杯垫往下看,安藤的艺术作品在此刻重生。 Tadao Ando’s black and white photography of his architecture work is a game of lights and composition. To pay tribute to his art, I decompose and recompose a classic cocktail composition – old fashioned for an entirely new drink. Whiskey and rum still as the main spirits, buckwheat replaces the bitters, and spices red date pear soup replaces the ice, with the extra flavor of papaya and cold brew coffee. Through a grey coaster on top, this cocktail is a reborn version of Ando’s art.