Room of Calm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper 风平浪静的空间里是两幅非常有禅意的日本摄影作品《海景》,由灰黑双色组成,海天一色,风平浪静,难以分界。我选用尤加利杜松子烧酒形成一个非常日式的基调,灰白色让我想到烤白芝麻糖浆,最后用自制的芝麻啫喱片作为garnish放在冰块上,喷上海苔味道的煎茶,仿佛灰色的海天分界线一样在此处交融。
The Room of Calm presents two very peaceful photography works of Japanese seascape, made up of grey and black. The grey sky and black sea blends together that blur the distant horizon, conveying a very zenful vibe. Eucalyptus juniper sochu sets a very Japanese base. By adding white sesame syrup and hoji tea spray on top, a sip of our home-made sesame jelly garnish melts you down instantly.mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

ABV | 酒精度
Web Designer 49%
SWEET | 甜度
Web Designer 28%
SOUR | 酸度
Web Designer 40%
Web Designer 2%
UMAMI | 鲜度
Web Designer 7%

The Museum