几何学的原点,是平衡。鸡尾酒的平衡,是风味的调和。这杯鸡尾酒我决定来一次大胆的尝试,将白可可,百香果,白胡椒三个不同领域的风味组合成三角形达到平衡,白可可的甜味,百香果的果香和白胡椒的辣味,再配上芒果朗姆和金酒,口感圆润,风味多元。 The end of geometric is constant balance, and the balance of cocktail is harmony of layered flavors. To demonstrate this concept, a bold choice of white cacao, passionfruit, and white pepper are combined to reach a creative balance. Sweet, fruity and spicy, this rum and gin cocktail will surprise your taste buds unexpectedly.