SanYou Menu


庙前三酉新空间正式开启,迈向更广阔的领域。 我们始终秉持“100%本土原料”的理念 以创新为核心,同时向中国传统文化致敬。 我们精选了一系列优质的中国白酒、威士忌、金酒 以及本地精酿的工艺酒、利口酒等 致力于呈现独特的酒品体验。菜单巧妙融合广东文化与本地食材的多样性,展现地道风味。三酉的鸡尾酒以革命性的创新为驱动,不断突破传统界限。 庙前三酉将持续探索与创新,为这座城市带来更多创意与美味的鸡尾酒体验,期待在调酒界引领全新风潮。

After reopening in this brand-new space, SanYou is set to bring things to another level. With a commitment 100% sourcing locally, to innovation and a deep respect for tradition, we have curated an exceptional selection of Baijiu, Chinese Whisky, Gin, and other locally crafted spirits, liqueurs, and products. Our menu is a testament to the diverse flavors and cultural influences that define Guangdong, while SanYou approach to crafting drinks is nothing short of revolutionary. We are eager to see how SanYou will continue to push the boundaries, bringing new and exciting cocktails to the city that we hope will set new trends in the world of mixology.

红参果  Panax Ginseng  | 118 

[ 沙湾太平镇红果参为灵感,经典 Sherry Cobbler 改编,果香花香风味, 酸甜口感 ] 

新橡木陈酿鹳山米香型白酒 | 慢宋清爽型黄酒 | 红参果 | 山竹汁 | 山茶花

Chinese Oak Aged GuanShan Baijiu | ManSong HuangJiu |  Panax Ginseng Mangosteen |  Camellia

黄皮 Huangpi  | 118 

[ 潮州黄皮豉为灵感,浓香型堂白,清爽, 一点凉感, 偏酸 ]

堂白 | 百思林经典干金酒 | 咸薄荷茶 | 黄皮 | 苦瓜

Tabb Baijiu | Porcelain Dry Gin | Salted Mint Tea | Huangpi | Sugar-Free Cordial Bittermelon

红栗 Chestnut  | 128 

[ 以烤板栗为灵感,经典曼哈顿改编,偏甜, 好入口, 浓厚酒体 ]

昆道威士忌 | 三酉味美思 | 红豆太瓏酿橡木桶黄酒 | 板栗

Gisbelle Whisky | Chinese Vermouth | Red Bean Grand Talon Barrel-Aged Rice Wine | Chestnut

水果洋葱 Gibson Fruit Punch | 118 

[ 湛江生蚝为灵感,酸甜,鲜甜口感 ]

巷贩桶陈金酒 | 牡蛎 | 芒果 | 番茄 | 水果洋葱

Peddlers Gin | Oyster Mango | Tomato | Fruit | Onion

香蕉 Banana | 128 

[ 以万倾沙香蕉为灵感,香甜带有厚实的茶感 ]

糯米绿茶冷萃汾酒 | 三旬大红袍西柚 | 张裕白味美思 | 乳糖醇酸甜剂 | 新鲜香蕉

Glutiounus Rice Tea Fenjiu | Changyu Dry Vermouth | Lactitol Sourmix | Banana Juice

薄柿 Persimmon | 108 

[ 以信宜柿子为灵感,浓郁果香,酸甜带有气泡感 ]

即酩白兰地 | 砂糖橘酸甜剂 | 自制柿子利口酒 | 三麟原味气泡水

Gilmoet Brandy | Mandarin Sourmix | Homemade Persimmon Liqueur | Salted Soda Water

香橼 Citron | 128 

[ 以阳江香橼为灵感,植物水果香气,苦甜类型,香橼、香梨、香兰茶、艾草、气泡感 ]

漫游者大本营金酒 | 香橼 | 香梨 | 香兰茶 | 食用艾草

Gilmoet Brandy | Mandarin Sourmix | Homemade Persimmon Liqueur | Salted Soda Water

番石榴 Guava | 128 

[ 南沙珍珠番石榴为灵感,植物清新香气 ]

如意情·秋葵酒 | 八浪绿标金酒 | 理哲林青瓜配制酒 | 番石榴 | 芥末

Ruyiqing Okra Liquor | Balang Gin | Lithely Cucumber Liqueur Wasabi | Guava


SanYou Classics

茅台奶拳 Moutai Milk punch | 138 

茅台迎宾酒 | 味美思 | 樱桃果泥 | 黑巧克力酱 | 奶洗

Moutai Prince | Dark Chocolate | Cherry juice | Vermouth | Milk

汉岭青木 Risen Tree | 128 

苏合香油洗张裕白兰地 | 雪松木低温慢煮脱糖樱桃利口酒 | 桂花香豆糖醇 | 柠檬汁

Storax Oil | Cedar | Cherry Liquor Distillate | Osmanthus Flower & Tonka Bean Alditol tincture | Soda water

咸柠七 Kumquat Highball | 118 

沙姜低温慢煮西凤酒 | 自制柠檬甜味剂 | 新鲜金桔 | 茴香  | 苏打水

Sand ginger Sous-vide Xifeng | Homemade lemon cordial | Fresh kumquat | Fennel tincture | Soda water

白三椒 FM 89.3 | 128 

白8白酒 | 三椒混合酸甜剂 | 海涌山葡萄汁 | 蜜瓜果酱 | 奶洗

Bai 8 Baijiu | Mixed Peper Cordial | Wild Grape Juice | Melon Puree | Milk Punch


Chilli Oil ‘Shumai’ Fish Dumplings | 38

鱼肉烧卖 · 油泼辣子 · 花生酱 · 香醋

Fish Shumai / Spicy Oil-Splashed Chilies / Peanut Butter / Aged Vinegar


Spam Fries | 58

午餐肉 · 木姜子油 · 黄芥末 · 罗勒

Luncheon Meat / Litsea Oil / Yellow Mustard / Basil


Fermented Tofu Basque Cheesecake | 48

广合腐乳 · 奶酪

Guanghe Fermented Tofu / Cream Cheese


Fried Shrimp Paste Toast | 68

虾滑 · 细葱 · 吐司 · 奶酪

Shrimp Paste / Chopped Green Onions / White Toast / Eggs / Cheese


Mock Sharkfin Soup with Puff Pastry  |  58

素翅 · 香菇 · 鲍鱼 · 鸡丝 · 酥皮 · 蟹黄 · 瑶柱

Shark’s Fin Substitute / Shiitake Mushroom / Abalone / Shredded Chicken / Pastry / Crab Roe / Scallops


Black Truffle Rice Noodle Rolls with Morels  |  68

黑松露 · 猪肠粉 · 羊肚菌 · XO酱

Black Truffle / Steamed Vermicelli Rolls / XO Sauce

Angus Beef Jerky | 68

原味 或 芥末

Plain / Wasabi

马天尼 Martini | 108/368

随机 | 三酉味美思

Ramdom | Chinese Vermouth

日本木屐 Japanese Slipper | 108/368

蜜瓜利口酒 | 碧言柑橘蒸馏酒 | 柠檬汁 | 糖

Melon Liqueur | Byyan Citrus Distilled Liquor | Lemon Juice | Sugar

威士忌酸 Whisky Sour | 108/368

普尼森林调和威士忌 | 柠檬 | 糖

Puni Forest Blended Whiskey | Lemon | Sugar

莫斯科骡子 Moscow Mule | 108/368

即酩白兰地| 柠檬糖油| 黄河姜啤

Jiming Brandy | Lemon Sugar Syrup | Yellow River Ginger Beer

尼格罗尼 Negroni | 108/368


Bailang Tieguanyin Gold Liquor | Mancanti Vermouth | Bitter Liqueur

雪莉柯布勒 Sherry Cobbler | 108/368


MANSong Huangjiu | Sanxun Chinese Tea Wine | Lemon Sugar Oil | Absinthe

尼格罗尼 Hanky Panky | 108/368


Tanzhuo Jasmine | Mancanti Vermouth | Guben

金汤力 Gin Tonic | 108/368


The Rambler Gin | Yuanpao Tonic | Lime Oolong Tea

黑莓荆棘 Bramble | 108/368


Binglan Gin | Lemon | Sugar | Blueberry Ice Wine

X.Y.Z | 108/368


Zhenai Sugarcane Distilled Liquor | Biyan Citrus Distilled Liquor | Lemon | Sugar